Many of you have probably heard of this saying, some of you probably eat fruit as if working in the market, while some of you do not eat it at all. Who is right? Probably no one. I get a bunch of questions of this type, whether fruits can make you fat, whether protein bars can make you fat, whether proteins can be taken in unlimited quantities, whether they go straight into muscle, etc. The more I try to forgive you the whole story about eating, the simplier it gets, and the more questions (I have already answered) I get.
It is just telling me that there are people who don’t accept the truth and who definitely want to hear something new, some nonsense that will bug their ears, chase money out of their pockets and eventually make them call again to ask for advice. If someone else were in my place, there would probably be a special diet program by now enabling you to lose 20kg while eating unlimited amounts of chocolate, which will never come back. Of course, it would cost an incredible 99.99e. People, please, do understand, everything is allowed, everything can be eaten, nothing can make you fat. What is fattening you is overeating foods without any sense or order.
The same goes for fruits. What is tricky about fruits is that when you think of fruit you think of a bunch of vitamins and minerals in the first place. However, the truth is the opposite. Fruits also contain fruit sugar – fructose, which, in large quantities, can badly affect our body: Increased blood pressure, increased blood glucose levels, further leading to insulin resistance, increased triglyceride levels, decreased HDL levels, and more. Now, I would like to explain to you an important thing. Our body cannot use fructose as such, but in order to store it, it must first be processed into glucose, and stored in the liver, of course. We all know that glycogen is stored in the liver and muscle. So, what happens if that glycogen in the liver is full? Where will that glucose end up? Since it cannot be used for energy, fatty acids and triglycerides are created and are stored around the organs, the so-called visceral fat.
Now, when you hear the term “fatty liver”, you know what it refers to. And, then, when I ask what you have for breakfast and you say “I cut out a banana, an apple, an orange, a kiwi, a pineapple, etc.” and I mix it with oatmeal and yogurt, they are all healthy foods, what is wrong with that. Well, I have already explained above. Not to mention those who use a bunch of fructose to sweeten the mash, biscuits, cookies just because they have been sold in the healthy foods store. I am going to say once again, I’m not against fruit at all, I use it daily in my diet. Moreover, I adore eating it. What I want to bring to your attention is to focus on protein intake first, then healthy fats, and finally balance the rest of the day with carbohydrates, which include fruit of course. I will write about which fruits I recommend more and which less in one of my next posts.