Many people prefer hot showers to cold ones. However, some research has shown that the use of cold water can be beneficial for physical and mental health. This article covers some scientific evidence supporting the benefits of cold showers for a variety of physical and mental benefits. We also provide some tips for getting started with cold showers and discuss some things to be aware of when to use a cold shower.


– Here are some of the potential benefits of a cold shower.


Increased alertness

Using a cold shower can make a person feel more alert, mainly due to its effects on the body. According to research, cold showers have many physiological effects on the body.


– They include:

  • increased heart rate
  • higher blood pressure
  • increased respiratory rate

Cold water also increases the body’s metabolism, because it should work harder to maintain a stable temperature. However, since the typical duration of a cold shower is only about 5-10 minutes, a person should not rely on its effects on boosting metabolism as a weight loss technique. However, cold showers create a feeling of refreshment and alertness, which can lead a person to be more physically active.


Increased mood

Cold showers can be used to improve mood. Cold showers activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase the availability of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and endorphins, people may be less likely to have cold symptoms after a cold shower. However, it is important to note that people should not replace the prescribed treatment for depression with cold showers.

Faster cooling after sports activities

Cold water immersion therapy (immersion of the body in ice or a cold bath) is a common practice in many sports activities. Therapists specialized in sports have suggested that cold temperatures can quickly relieve heat exertion and reduce inflammation. Using a cold shower can relieve exertion hyperthermia, compared to no treatment at all.


Improved physical recovery

Immersion in cold water and contrast water therapy (first the use of warm water and then cold) can help improve recovery and reduce feelings of fatigue. This could help athletes use cold water techniques to reduce the feeling of fatigue associated with their physical performance.


Reduced pain

Cold water may have local anesthetic effects to relieve pain. Exposure to cold water can lead to constriction of blood vessels, which can help reduce swelling and edema that cause pain. Cold water can also slow down the speed at which nerve signals conduct impulses. This can reduce the speed at which nerves transmit pain signals to the brain, which can reduce a person’s perception of pain.


Tips to get started

A person can get positive effects with a short cold shower. Many studies on the benefits of cold showers suggest that the water does not necessarily have to be cold throughout the shower to feel the positive effects. One can start with a warm shower and then briefly switch the water to a cold one. This can take from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Some people prefer to take a short shower for about 5-10 minutes. This can also be a practical approach to cold water therapy. Several studies state a target cold temperature of about 20 ° C. However, most of the time one’s own perception of cold water is sufficient to make the temperature change effective.


Things to be aware of

A person should not use cold showers as a substitute for other prescribed medical therapies, especially those prescribed by doctors to treat depression. However, people can try cold water therapy to enhance the effects of other treatments. Some people should be careful when taking a cold shower. This includes people with weaker immune systems and those with serious heart disease. This is because sudden changes in body temperature and heart rate can shock the body. If a person is not sure if a cold shower can be used, he should consult his doctor.


For centuries, people have used cold water therapies as a treatment to empower and improve their general well-being. Some scientific studies support the beneficial effects of cold showers on mental and physical health. Even short intervals of cold water can be worth including in your regular shower routine.