If you want to build strong gluteus muscles, you need to include the best exercises in your exercise routine. Of course, including the right exercises not only helps you achieve a sculpted gluteus, but also strengthens the gluteus muscles and helps protect the lower back, which can be at risk during moves such as squats and deadlifts if your gluteus is not strong enough. In addition, a strong gluteus can also make you a better runner – and even help you avoid knee injuries. Here we have selected for you the best exercises for the gluteus muscles that you can add in the days when you do exercises for the lower body or you can do only gluteus training.


Walking Lunges

Start standing with feet together holding a pair of weights at shoulder height, elbows bent in front of body. 

Step right foot forward and bend both knees into a lunge, stopping when both legs form 90-degree angles. 

Press through right heel to stand and step left foot forward, lowering into a lunge. 

That’s one rep.

Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. 

Once you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. 

Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.


Stability Ball Hip Thrust

Start with arms behind head (elbows wide), upper back pressed into stability ball (or elevated surface, like a couch), legs bent, feet flat on floor, and hips hovering above mat. 

Lean back into stability ball and

lift hips toward ceiling until thighs are parallel to mat. 

Return to start. That’s one rep. 

Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. 

Once you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. 

Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.


Supported Single-Leg Deadlift

Start standing on left leg with a weight in right hand, palm facing toward thighs. 

Left arm by side and right leg straight and a few feet behind body with heel high.

Keep left leg slightly bent. 

Lean forward, hinging

at the hips with a flat back while lowering the weight toward the floor. 

Drive into left heel to return to the standing position. 

That’s one rep. 

Perform 15 reps on each side, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. 

Once you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. 

Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.

Banded Lateral Step-Out Squat

Start standing with a resistance band wrapped around shins, feet under hips, with hands clasped in front of chest. 

Take a big step to the right, then bend knees, sit back, and lower until thighs are parallel with

the floor. 

Engage glutes and press back up through heels to starting position.

Repeat on the other side.

That’s one rep. 

Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. 

Once you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. 

Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.


Glute Bridge

Start lying on back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms by sides on mat. 

Engage core, then press into heels and squeeze glutes to lift hips toward the ceiling. 

Maintain space between chin and chest and keep upper back on the ground. 

Hold for up to 30 seconds. 

That’s one rep. 

Perform up to 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. 

Once you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. 

Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.

Stability Ball Bridge

Start lying on back with arms by sides, legs bent to 90-degree angles (shins parallel to mat), and feet on stability ball (or elevated surface, like a couch). 

Push down into feet, upper back, and arms to lift hips off ground a few inches. 

Return to start. 

That’s one rep. 

Perform 15 reps, then immediately continue on to your next exercise. 

Once you’ve finished all of your movements, rest for up to one minute. 

Then, repeat three more times for four total rounds.


Donkey kicks

Start by positioning yourself on all fours. 

Keep your knees hip-width apart, your hands flat on the floor under your shoulders, and your spine neutral.

Brace your core, then lift your right leg off the floor, keeping your right knee bent and your foot flat.

Use your glute muscles to push your foot toward the ceiling. 

Pause and squeeze at the top. 

Make sure your pelvis and hips remain pointed toward the ground.

Return to the starting position.

Complete 15 reps on each leg for 3 sets.

Jumping squats

Stand in a squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.

Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to your knees. 

As you squat, move your arms out in front of you, palms together.

Propel yourself up and off the ground. 

Try to push your feet at least 3 inches off the ground. 

Extend your arms to help with momentum.

Squat back down with soft, bent knees, and repeat.

Complete 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.


Squat pulses

Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart. Hands together out in front of your body.

Squat down partially, about a quarter of the way down as you would for a normal squat.

Begin exercise by pulsing up and down, lowering your butt up and down about 6 inches or so.

Complete3 sets of 30 seconds.