Girls, I sincerely hope that reading this text will make you change your mind regarding lifting weights. Generally speaking, exercises and gym are often considered a man’s thing. I think that almost all the women I had trained with once said ’I just do not want to have muscle like man do, it seems awful when I see it on women’. I bet they have never seen such a woman in the first place, except, maybe, in some Marvel’s movies.

This opinion comes from nothing else but lack of information. One of the reasons may be our traditional sports education, where girls, even at their early ages, following the will of their parents, start training what their parents wished for themsleves. Consequently, any sport dealing with strength was not for them, and everything else could be taken into consideration. Many women who want to lose weight and shape their body begin to starve themselves and run every day. STOP THAT! The fastest and most efficient way to build up a fit and strong body is to include lifting weight into training routine.

Strength training will help you burn fats and increase your muscles. This is the moment when many, escpecially those focused on the scale, will be terrified after seeing that their weight remains the same or, even worse, goes up. Do not worry about that. The muscle tissue is denser than the fats, and heavier, consequently. Also, keep in mind that only women with genetic predisposition, who have been training for a long period of time with high intensity, constantly make ckal surplus and may significantly increase their muscle mass. Another myth implies that women should exercise with less weight and more repetitions and are not adviced to do exercises that men do. Fundamentally, there should not be a difference between trainings for men and trainings for women.

Forget about strips, bands and similar. Complex exercises such as squats, dead lift and so on build up our body. The story that women should workout with less weight remains in the past. As you may have already learnt from my previous posts, our body adopts to the situation. If we aim at adapting our body in the most adequate way (in this case, we want to increase butt), we should engage that part of the body. More weight and stress = muscle hypertrophy (our body defends by encreasing the muscles as a result). Healthy diet, sufficient amount of protein to build up a muscle and weights are all you need to create a perfect body. Fit body is not only the result of lifting weights. Think also about increasing the bone density, improving the joint stability or increasing the basic metabolism rate. 

Another thing that I would like to point out here is that women should not neglect the upper part of the body. The same happens when men do not work on their legs. Feel free to include exercises such as push ups, bench press, military press, rows, lat pull-downs and similar. Use free weights rather than machines. Do not avoid exercises when in doubt how they need to be performed. I am sure there will always be some of the trainers or experienced sportsmen who is willing to help and explain. And, once for all, please do not make a cardio your primary activity if you want to have a great and athletic body. As we have already mentioned, fats are eliminated by ckal deficit, not by doing cardio.