If you are looking for the best exercises that will help you build bigger, more defined arms, then we suggest a few examples of exercises that you can include in your training. We have exercises that you will need, and many other exercises are in the application that you can use within your training routine.

Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl

Turn your hands so that your palms are facing forward.

Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and twist your dumbbells upward toward your shoulders.

Pause and squeeze the biceps, then slowly lower the weight to the starting position.

Each time you return to the starting position, straighten your arms completely.


Hammer Curl

Take a pair of dumbbells and place them next to your hips, palms facing your thighs. 

Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and raise your dumbbells as close to your shoulders as possible.

Pause, then slowly lower the weight to the starting position. 

Each time you return to the starting

position, straighten your arms completely.


Incline Dumbbell Curl

Lie with your back against a bench set at a 45-degree angle. 

Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and raise your dumbbells as close to your shoulders as possible.

Pause, then slowly lower the weight to the starting position. 

Each time you return to the starting position, straighten your arms completely.


Close EZ Bar Curl

Hold the bar with your palms facing up, elbows close to your body and use as tight a grip as possible.

Raise the bar to shoulder level, hold for a second.

Slowly return the movement to the starting position.


Chin Up

Grasp the bar with a neutral grip and hold it shoulder-width apart.

As both arms are outstretched in front, holding the bar, keep the torso as straight as possible while making a curve on the lower back and bending the chest towards the bar.

With the exhale, pull the torso up until your chin exceeds the height of the bar.

Concentrate on using your biceps and back muscles to perform the movement. Keep your elbows close to your body.

After a second hold in the upper position, slowly lower the torso back to the starting position.

Inhale while performing this part of the movement.


Standing Barbell Bicep Curl

Stand upright holding the bar shoulder-width apart. 

The palm should be facing forward and the elbows close to the body. 

This will be your starting position.

While keeping your upper arms still, pull your forearms forward.

Only the forearms need to move.

Keep moving until your biceps are fully tightened.

Hold the final position for a second and squeeze the biceps vigorously.

Slowly begin to bring the bar to the starting position as you inhale.



*To achieve faster and amazing results, do arm training two to three times a week. It is enough to choose a training program in the application that will lead you to achieve the goal.